Knitted sensor wearable

Working as researcher at Delft University of Technology
in collaboration with professor Kaspar Jansen. 

To be presented at the E-Textiles conference 2024, in Berlin on November 20th 2024. 

We developed the prototype from proof-of-concept to a pre production stage.

The goal of the project was the development of a 3D knitted sensor strap which measures the heart rate and breathing frequency.

In currently available products, the breathing frequency is most often derived from the heart rate signal. We developed a sensor strap that measures the breathing frequency in a more direct, and more accurate manner: through a knitted sensor.

As researcher I was in charge of the product developement, working mostly autonomous but in close contact with the professor K. Jansen, and the collaborating partners such as 2M Engineering and Knitwear Lab.

This encompassed literature research into the state-of-the-art knitted sensors, material sourcing, knitting prototypes and evaluating these systematically, setting up a validation study with participants, and processing and evaluating the resulting data.

Project still under NDA.

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